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Public Speaking Tricks to Sell More Products & Services

Public Speaking Tricks
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Are you looking for ways to sell more products or services without being pushy or obnoxious? If you want to sell more, you’ll need to master these public speaking tricks. Selling is a numbers game. That means you need to get out there and pitch your wares. The problem is, most salespeople don’t speak well enough to convince potential buyers. They talk too much, they tell stories instead of selling their messages, and they interrupt. Here are some  public speaking tricks to improve your presentation delivery and increase the likelihood of closing deals.

Practice Your Pitch

Before an audience, practice your message five times as if it were delivered in person. It’s the only way you can ensure that you’ve mastered it. You should be able to deliver it with conviction and confidence.

Speak Clearly                                                                                                                  Public Speaking Tricks

The first thing people notice about your speech is how clear you sound. Make sure all your words are spoken clearly. Then make sure each word stands on its own — no superfluous syllables. Too many extra notes between one sentence and another will throw off the overall rhythm of your speech and diminish the impact of what you’re saying.

Keep Your Voice Level Even

Your voice level affects the speed at which your listeners absorb what you say. When speaking slowly, your listeners have time to process exactly what you’re telling them. But when you speak quickly, your listeners must take it all in at once.

Use Good Gestures

Gesticulating helps clarify your points, shows enthusiasm and conveys a sense of authority. Studies show that speakers who use gestures while delivering speeches get better ratings than those who don’t.

Don’t Talk Too Much

Talking too much causes listeners to tune you out. So cut back on unnecessary chatter. For every three words you utter, two of them won’t go anywhere.

Tell Stories

Stories keep audiences interested because they give the context of your idea and make them relatable. In his book “Presentation Zen”, author Garrick Brown says: “Stories allow us to understand things we might otherwise overlook.”

Be Concise

People may not remember everything you say, but they’ll never forget the ones they can recall. Think of your speech as a series of numbered bullet points. Focus on delivering just the information your listener needs to know.

Ask Questions

When people feel comfortable talking to you, they tend to relax and open up. And when they see you asking questions, they believe you care about them as individuals.

Slow Down

If you rush through your entire speech, people become bored. Instead, slow down and emphasize key points by pausing briefly before continuing. People also like to hear themselves talked about, so pause frequently during your speech, especially when you’re discussing yourself or any other individual.

Know What People Want To Hear

You can learn this from watching others engage in conversation. Listen carefully to what people are saying. Notice what they seem receptive to hearing and what they appear uninterested in hearing. Find ways to incorporate these elements into your speech.

Get Feedback

Ask trusted friends for feedback on your speech. They will tell you where you need improvement, and you’ll find out right away whether or not you made a mistake.

Practice until Perfection

Practice makes perfect. If you want to master public speaking, practice, practice, practice. The more you do it, the faster you’ll improve.

Visualize Success

Visualizing success before facing an audience helps you prepare mentally for the experience. See yourself having fun onstage and connecting well with your listeners.

Have Fun with It

No matter how nervous you may be feeling, try to see the event as a positive experience rather than something to dread. That way, you’ll remain relaxed and focused throughout your presentation.


Smiling is contagious, and your audience will love it when they see you smiling! Smiling releases endorphins, which trigger feelings of happiness and relaxation.

Make Use Of Your Voice

The tone and volume of your voice affect how effectively you communicate. Speak clearly and softly enough so that everyone can easily hear you. At the same time, raise your voice if you want to direct attention toward certain parts of your talk.

Follow Up

After the conclusion of your speech, thank your audience members and ask them if there’s anything else you could provide for them. This simple gesture lets people know you appreciate their interest in what you had to offer.

ln conclusion, while many people aspire to speak in front of large groups, very few ever get the chance to do so. So why not take advantage of it while you still have the opportunity? By following the above public speaking tricks outlined above, you’ll not only gain confidence and polish your skills, but you’ll also ensure that you